Exam instructions (online )

Dear student,

you must read the instructions completely and carefully before starting the exam

  1. The exam starts at 9:00 AM and takes three hours to answer.
  2. The date and subject of the subject must be confirmed.
  3. Be sure to wear a uniform during the examination.
  4. Be sure to write the online exam code for each exam, which will be sent to students before the examination starts.
  5. The exam shall be performed through the college’s official email to ensure the access to Google Classroom and Google Meet.
  6. The exam is performed using a computer, phone, or tablet directly on Google Form.
  7. When you will answer on the paper , use one side of the paper and write with a blue or black pen.
  8. When you will answer on the white paper, the name of the student, the name of the course, department, and class must be written, and the signature on the upper right side of the paper must be written, the sequence of papers must be written, the question must be written, and the answer must be sent in the form of PDF.
  9. To avoid cutting of the exam in the case of using the mobile device due to the arrival of incoming calls or messages to the device, flight mode must be activated, then Wifi should be turned on.


  1. All students must change their photos in the email to a clear official photo with a white background. Please follow the instructions shown in the attached video to change the student’s image in the email from within the browser and from the application.


  1. All students must ensure that they can open their official university emails and enter online classes without problems. If there was any problem in your email, please contact by the secratary to solve the problem. Otherwise, the student will bear the consequences of not being able to participate in the online exam.


Note :

Student information has disappeared


Don’t  withdraw from the exam class  (Google Classroom) after the end of the exams, because this leads to the disappearance of the student’s information from the exam platform and therefore the student is not considered a participant in the exam.


Note: emergency contact numbers

If there are any  obstacles or problems during the exam, please contact the exam committee in your department, which has been provided to you.

You can also contact us via hot email