Away of being exaggerating for talking about feminism, we rather to display the facts of feminine giving, as the feminist element in the Dijlah University College formed a basis and not a substitute, Among distinguished female teachers and researchers who have proven their competence in the field of research, and female employees who have carried great burdens during a circumstance that has become a frequent topic of discussion about its difficulty. Therefore, by the time we celebrate Women’s Day, we do not raise an abstract slogan that aims to share the unrealistic fact and just follow the norm. Rather, the women in DUC are a real giver. If we go towards our female students, who make up more than half of the students, the image of giving and the fruitful active presence will be complete. There is no DUC without their participation, and we cannot build what we have built and achieve what we have achieved without this participation.

By the name of DUC, we address Iraqi women, in general, with greetings of respect and appreciation. They were the frontline in a male-controlled society led by men for centuries, and this confirms the magnitude of what women have achieved in short time, when compared to our long history. It is enough for us that it is at the fore in our researchers as it is in the teaching.

Glorious day to a glorious giver… and we wish that every year, you are a source of life and a source of enrichment for all of us…

You are DUC, definitely you are a DUC, and the others are just conciliators who seek refuge in you. You are haven… You are indeed haven.

Prof. Dr. Saeed Abdulhadi Al-Marhej